Final Report

 At first, when was I started this program, I was very excited.
Because if I do my best, I can go to U.K! But not long after, I was so tired.
Because I’m not good at English though, I had to document work using English!
To make matters worse, I got the flu 😦 …

It was very painful time. But, I wasn’t give up. I thought practice more is rather than give up.
So I do my best and learn English. For going to U.K!!!

First class, we learned about Income & Expenditure & Funding.

We have to create my web-site, but It’s not free. I need many materials, employees, etc.
So we searched about finance and made a budget. In the budget, What Element I needed, their costs and total costs. And how I covered expenditure. Income must be greater than expenditure. I decided to receive investment from Korea culture agency and go-office.

Second class’s subject was Time Management.

There is deadline when we create a web site. So I decided to use gantt chart and to-do list.
They are very important to time management. Because we don’t keep a deadline, there will be super damage.

Third class, we studied personnel / contributors.

Personnels who are work with me, and contributors are work with me, but not my team.
For instance, personnels are director, programmer. And contributors are actors who appear in my video, interviewers and photographers.
And last, when we use contributors, we must write the release form.

Fourth class’s subject was Facilities and Location.

Facilities means a building with ceiling. Libraries, schools, studios and markets are examples of facilities. And location means outdoor. Maybe filming site which I will go mainly applicable to the location.

The important thing is that the pre-investigation about shooting permits.

Fifth class, we searched about Materials.

What is the Materials? For example : Music, Photos and Videos. There are three ways to get the materials. Create my own, Getting the work of others by permission, Using the free license site. And always be careful at permission!

Last class’s subject was Legal constraints.

There are law, regulation and standards. When we make a web-site, there are law, regulation and standards to be observed. It was time to feel the importance of copyright.